D7.9 Communication and Dissemination Activity Report 2

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary 

Dissemination and communication of project results is essential for CREDENTIAL and it is the mission of the project that all results will be widely communicated and disseminated to the target audience. This deliverable is prepared within tasks T7.3 “Liaison and standardization activities”, T7.5 “External project communication” and T7.6 “Dissemination of foreground knowledge”.
In this document, we present the dissemination and communication activities of the CREDENTIAL project carried out within the second project year, following the strategy designed at the beginning of the project and described in D7.8 “Communication and dissemination report 1” and we also provide a detailed list of all activities performed within this year. Among the many communication and dissemination activities, we would like to highlight our successful web presence by maintaining an active twitter account and an active project website, which we regularly update. Moreover, during the second year we had a pronounced presence in several scientific and industry events such as the Cloud Security Expo in London and the IFIP Summer School. We also organized an advisory board workshop, which gave us the opportunity to distribute our first results to industry stakeholders and to receive valuable feedback.
In the introduction the scope, the relation to other deliverables and the structure of the document, and can be found.