TRUSTEE Components – Application Development

Application Development

 SIDE - SWITCH Interactive Development Environment
The SWITCH Interactive Development Environment (SIDE) is a subsystem of SWITCH, responsible for the specification of an application for deployment in a Cloud. SIDE is responsible for ensuring that a given application can be implemented in a cloud context in accordance with both the desires of the developers and the limitations of the cloud providers; it is also responsible for allowing an application to be monitored and controlled by the developer at runtime.



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DRIP - Dynamic Real-Time Infrastructure Planner
Dynamic Real-time Infrastructure Planner (DRIP) is responsible for the planning, validation and provisioning of the virtual infrastructure enlisted to support an application specified in SIDE. DRIP has formulated an acceptable proposed infrastructure, which automatically negotiates with cloud providers in real-time to provision the infrastructure with respect to an agreed set of service level agreements (SLAs) that will satisfy (in principle) all quality of service requirements.



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ASAP - Autonomous System Adaptation Platform
Autonomous System Adaptation Platform (ASAP) is a service responsible for monitoring and, where necessary, interceding in the execution of applications deployed by DRIP. ASAP will collect a range of measurements based on a set of metrics determined by the requirements of the developer and the intrinsic monitorability of application and underlying infrastructure.



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UNICORN Framework Components and Mechanism Prototypes
A H2020 research and innovation project which facilitate the design and deployment of cloud applications and services and improve developers’ productivity by reducing cloud application design time via code annotations and blueprints for security.


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