Contributing Partners
Executive Summary
Communication and dissemination tasks in CREDENTIAL were running in parallel to the project’s technical work with main objective to inform the target audience about the activities and results during the project’s execution as well as beyond the project end. For this reason, at the beginning of the project, the consortium created a dissemination kit, which was refined and enhanced during the project’s lifetime to meet the partners’ dissemination needs.
In this report, we summarize the project’s dissemination material, which can be used by the project partners and the Research Executive Agency to further disseminate the results of the project. The dissemination kit is categorized in graphical material which include the traditional material such as poster and flyer, newsletters and press releases and the project logo, and in digital material, which include the project’s social media and website and the project videos.
The graphical material are accessible via the project’s website under the “Dissemination kit” page.