D6.4 – Test and Evaluation Report of Pilot Domain 1 (eGovernment)

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

The eGovernment pilot is one of the domain-specific application developed to showcase functionalities offered by CREDENTIAL Wallet, providing authentication and authorization mechanism combined with novel cryptographic technologies, like proxy re-encryption and redactable signatures. This document describes how the pilot has been tested, both with quantitative and qualitative criteria, according to KPIs defined in deliverable D6.1: in that document, clear key performance indicators to keep track of were defined, and how to take actions within the pilot in order to measure them.
The pilot has been run in two phases (March and June 2018), involving “internal” and “external” test in each of them, in order to cover both technical and functional aspects. External test activity has involved final users, IT security specialists and decision makers, among the other stakeholders. A considerable effort has been made during users’ selection to safeguard gender diversity, balance several expectations and needs, taking into account knowledge, skills and role of people interviewed. Several users’ feedbacks emerged during the first piloting phase have been properly addressed and developed, leading to new functionalities evaluated during the second piloting round, which generated the results to be used to evaluate pilots’ success. Exploitation activities, which can be performed after the project’s end, will benefit from CREDENTIAL’s strength and weakness analysis collected during the eGovernment pilot evaluation.